Friday, July 10, 2009

Jalan Mongkos needs major repair!

TEBAKANG. Fri, July 10.
A bus and a van were stuck on a muddy and slippery diversion road just before Kpg Payau Achau at Jalan Mongkos in Serian. That has caused massive traffic jams as early as 0630 am on both ends of the damaged main road. About a week ago, that section of the main road was damaged due to a heavy downpour. A contractor was called up to do the repair works. However, the repair works were poorly done says one resident who happens to be the owner of a nearby land beside the road.

That particular section of the road is not the only one that has been damaged by the bad weather. There are a few more along that road. One section after Kpg Krusen took almost 2 years to be completely repaired. Another 2 more damages right after that newly repaired section but no works has been done so far about those sections except putting up plastic barricades.

Most daily users and the nearby residents were furious and frustrated because of the bad condition of Jalan Mongkos. It seems like the authority has done nothing about the road. Most of those damaged sections were neglected for a long time like the one near Kpg Krusen which was very dangerous. The authority is urged to act fast before any unwanted accident happens to the users of the road.

BGB notes;

This piece of report will be sent to one of our local newspapers and I hope that it will be published for the locals to read and view, and most of all make their own judgements.

I say that this has gone too far and the authority should do more for the bidayuh people after neglecting us for 45 years now! The Bidayuhs have been supporting the government for 45 years and yet we got this in return.