Bangla Bangers, (later followed by Chop Shop: London Garage), is a reality program on Discovery Channel about an eccentric Bangladeshi car designer (Leepu) and a straight talking Cockney mechanic by the name of Bernie Fineman. In every episode they try to make a supercar out of a car they buy at a wrecking yard.
Leepu, whose real name is Nizamuddin Awlia, converts rusting old cars into Ferrari and Lamborghini styled cars and limousines in his small workshop in Dhaka, Bangladesh. What makes these episodes notable is that the cars are built in a small garage using only basic tools and the bodywork is hand cut and shaped using sheet metal. With the help of the mechanic (Bernie Fineman) the improvements are sometimes remarkable.
I've watched that reality program in Astro a few times. I was really amazed, not only by their final and completed work but also by their effort. Well, we don't really know what they have been through behind the scenes but I still love what they have done to those wrecks. After all the yelling and everything, they still managed to show that they were able to create some beautiful cars with only BASIC TOOLS! Imagine what they can come up with if they are given high tech tools and parts.
I wonder why we Bidayuh can't come up with some thing more or less like that. I mean not only creating beautiful cars out of wrecks but also in other fields. I believe that there are so many talented Bidayuh out there that need to come out and show what you can really do. So come on guys! Show your talent. Work hard and smart to show that you also can shine.
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